Professional Industrial Support
Specialist in Solids Handling and Filling, Packaging & Transport systems
Project Manager / Senior Project Engineer Mechanical Engineering / Lead Engineer / Construction Manager / Supervisor / Project coordinator / Specialist Solids Handling, Filling, Packaging and Transport systems
Project Manager
- Budgetteren
- Voorbereiden
- Financiën bewaken
- Aansturen teams
- Kwaliteitsbewaking
- Begeleiden
- Plannen
- Datasheets
- Transportsystemen
- Selecteren van leveranciers
- Evalueren aanbiedingen
- Specificaties
- Processen
- Requisities
- Expediting
- Bouwvergaderingen
- Begeleiden uitvoering diverse projecten
- Veiligheid inspectie
- Oplevering
- Verslagen
- Solids, material & packaging
- Verpakking / vulsystemen / (ventiel, FFS, openmond, vloeistoffen)
- Pneumatische systemen
- Logistieke systemen
Henk Verbree, Industrial Support Specialist

- Specialities: Solids and Material Handling such as Pneumatic transport, silo, mixing, grinding, Filling and Packaging installations
- Many experiences in practical solving problems in several types of factory installations
- Much experience in cooperating in and accompanying (in several forms composed) project teams
- Project management
- Construction management
- Mechanical engineering
- Piping engineering
Use the carrousel below to see the projects

Professional experience namens engineering bureau Tebodin
2016-2017 Cabot Corporation Botlek Rozenburg, the Netherlands
• WPS Improvement Detail design restructuring/replacing filling and palletiser installations.
Aliphos Rotterdam B.V., Vlaardingen, the Netherlands Constructie Manager
• Project Smile-Phase II Construction
Friesland Campina, Lippstadt, Germany Specialist and Lead engineer mechanical
• Lippstadt; Basis of Design Pre-engineering. The Masterplan will ensure this plant will be fit for the future
Key Qualifications
- All kind off Packaging and Filling installations
- Solids and Material Handling installations
- Logistic installations
- Many experiences in practical solving problems in several types of factory installations
- Many experience in cooperating in and accompanying (in several forms composed) project teams
- Project Management
- Construction Management
- Mechanical Engineering (Lead)
Read about the current en previous activities.
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